eXnatura.gr is the online store of the company Apostolidis Kon. Vassilis based in Athens, 37 Athanasiou Diakou – Melissia, with VAT number 168313940, email address info@eXnatura.gr and service phone number +30-2106139896. mailto:info@exnatura.gr και τηλέφωνο εξυπηρέτησης 2106139896.

We inform you that through our website (www.eXnatura.gr) we offer information and services to visitors on the condition that they agree expressly and without reservations to the following terms and conditions:
The Website is intended for adults, therefore, by browsing, you represent that you are an adult and that you will use the Website in accordance with its purpose. If, despite this, minors voluntarily visit the website or make use of any service that may be considered inappropriate for them, our company bears no responsibility.

By visiting us, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive right to access and use the website, only for your personal use in accordance with the purpose of the website. Any other use is expressly prohibited.

We inform you that the website is used "as is", without the possibility of modifications or other interventions from use. Our company makes every effort to provide accurate, complete, reliable, valid and up-to-date information. However, due to the nature of the medium we do not commit, guarantee or assume any responsibility regarding the content of the website. As a user you agree that you must evaluate the content and that you are responsible for any use of any part of it.
Except for specific rights of third parties, all the content of the website (signs, texts, photos, etc.) is the intellectual and commercial property of our company. Consequently, this content may not be copied, modified, reproduced, retransmitted or commercially exploited in any way by any user. Each user is entitled to individually store a single copy of a portion of the content for their strictly personal use.

You are responsible for the security of your passwords and for all actions taken with them. If you notice suspicious activity, you must immediately change your password and notify us by email: info@eXnatura.gr

As a user, you declare that you will not take any action with the aim of misleading anyone as to the origin of the content of the website and that you will not damage the reputation of our company or our partners in any way.

As a user you declare that you will not attempt in any way to install, promote or make available through the website anywhere a digital virus or other electronic code, files or programs, designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the operation of the website or its users' terminals. In any case of illegal or contrary to the terms of use of the website, our company reserves the right to claim compensation for any positive or collateral damage suffered.

We will make every effort to make the website available. However, we reserve the right to interrupt its operation from time to time for technical or other reasons or even to stop its operation at our absolute will.

We will make every effort to ensure that the website is secure. However, since there is no such thing as a foolproof system, we inform you that we cannot guarantee that there are no security gaps or there will not be any in the future. Therefore, we are not responsible for any data loss or damage that may be caused to the user in case of related issue.

We reserve the right to conduct spot checks on how our website is used and to delete users whose behavior does not comply with the terms and conditions stated above.

We reserve the right to modify the terms of use. You are responsible for informing yourself of any modifications each time before using the website. The terms and conditions of use will always be available in the corresponding field of the website "terms of use".