

Honey is one of the products with most references to the mythology, history and tradition of most peoples. In fact, in Greece, its value was highly recognized. In ancient times, they used it very often as an offer for the Gods, while ambrosia, which gave immortality to the Twelve Gods, is said to contain royal jelly. Besides, Hippocrates and Dioscorides in their writings underlined their nutritional as well as pharmacological significance.

Active ingredients
It is rich in carbohydrates, trace elements, proteins, amino acids, enzymes and B vitamins. Due to its nutritional active ingredients it is a source of energy, regeneration and stimulation of the body.

Honey is particularly nutritious for the skin, has significant healing and balancing properties, while it speeds up tissue renewal. As it has the ability to attract, absorb and maintain water in its molecules when added to cosmetic products, it offers moisture to the skin and keeps it cool. Traditionally, the various varieties of honey have been used in therapeutic applications, such as e.g. thyme honey for good respiratory function, chestnut honey for gastrointestinal problems, hive honey for its antiseptic and diuretic action, honey from eucalyptus because it softens cough etc.

It can act as an anti-aging but also for the treatment of acne
Honey removes the dead skin cells, renewing the skin. It is also packed with antioxidants, which help combat skin damage. It also has antimicrobial properties and is an excellent treatment for acne. This means that honey can help to clog the skin pores. It is much more skin-friendly than the harsh chemical treatments that conventional skin care products have on acne treatment.

It can help scar healing
Honey is the superstar for scar treatment. Because of its antimicrobial properties, it has been used for centuries to treat wounds. And because it is also a fantastic moisturizer, it can help the skin on the road to renewal. You can place the honey on a scar and cover it with a gauze to help with the treatment.

It’s good for hair
For the same reason that a moisturizer is good for your skin, honey works just as great for your hair. Some use it as a deep conditioner. Mix half a cup of honey with one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to your hair and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse very well! Your hair will be soft and silky.

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