

Calendula is one of the most well-known and widely used herbs in western herbal therapy.

Due to its long flowering period, from the beginning of the summer to autumn, the herb has been named after the Latin calendulae, which means “all the months”. Its Latin name is Calendula officinalis and comes from the Latin word “calens”, which means “the first day of every month,” as the Romans claimed it was then blooming. It is a plant of one year or two years, height 20-60 cm and flowers yellow or orange. It does not grow alone but cultivated as ornamental in gardens all over Greece.

It thrives in areas with mild climate and in fields of poor-moderate fertility, dry or watered. Multiplied with seed seeded in seedbed.

Calendula contains a set of beneficial ingredients, in which many of its therapeutic actions are due. These include saponins, carotinoids, sterols, flavonoids, essential oils. Contains resins, sterols, flavonoids, carotenes, triterpenes, volatile oil and glissant.

Calendula is particularly well known for its moisturizing, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, soothing and healing action, and can be taken as a tonic or mild anticonvulsant. For this reason, it is considered one of the best herbs to treat local skin problems, irritations, inflammations, infections, skin ulcers, external bleeding, but also for bruises and sprains.

It is recommended for acne and pimples, boils and ulcers, bruises, burns, conjunctivitis, cuts and wounds, eczema, hemorrhoids, herpes, psoriasis, sore throat, moniliasis, tonsillitis, toothache and varicose veins.

Its excellent abilities show the calendula in skin and mucosal injuries. Compresses with tea or diluted tincture can treat wounds that heavily heal, nail infections, burns, abscesses, scars and tingling ulcers. Gargles with tea help in case of stomatitis and pharyngitis.

Essential oils inhibit the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, and saponins act as anti-inflammatory. Calendula also enhances the immune system, acts anticonvulsively and promotes bile secretion.

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